Friday, February 25th, 10:00am - 12:00pm
College Success and Study Habits
A lecture by Counselor Roberto Alvarado
College is hard. The mistake we all make is not realizing that we must change some of our habits and behavior to become successful college students. We will talk about the obstacles that we and life put in front of us and how to overcome them.Learn how to incorporate some positive study habits and skills that will change your life and help get those good grades.
Roberto Alvarado was born and raised in Lake County. He graduated from Kelseyville High School in 1994. Alvarado attended UC Berkeley and received his Bachelor's degree in Social Welfare with an emphasis in Sociology in 1999.He went back to school in 2010 to get a Master's degree in Social Work from San Jose State University while he was working full time, as a first generation, low-income college student.Being the first in his family to go on to college and coming from a low-income background, Alvarado knows what it is like to encounter obstacle and challenges in higher education. He thinks he made a lot of mistakes throughout his educational journey, and he is here now working with students to help, support, and inform them so that they don't make the same mistakes.
For more information contact:

Wednesday, March 2nd (new date), 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Ashley’s Sack: Recovering the Black Past Through Objects and Keepsakes
A lecture by Dr. Nick Perrone
This lecture looks at Tiya Miles’ “All That She Carried,” winner of a National Book Award, as a way to bring life to a tragic and harrowing history. In a feat of historical detective work, Miles tracks the story of child separation through the chance discovery of a cotton sack given to a nine-year-old girl by her mother as the young girl was sold off by her captors in 1850s South Carolina. The objects that the sack once contained provide us with starting points for understanding the resilience of Black women in the face of unfathomable loss. We will look at some aspects of the book’s master class in reconstructing the past and how we might re-imagine our own histories through seemingly mundane everyday items.
Nick is an instructor in the History Department who teaches a variety of courses at the College. He has taught at colleges throughout the Bay Area and completed his PhD in US History at UC Davis. His teaching interests focus on the intersections of race, the history of capitalism, and environmental history in the US.
For more information contact:
Monday, April 4th, 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Hailing Cesar, Continuing the Fight for Farmworkers' Rights
Film screening and live chat with Educardo Chavez, grandson of Cesar Chavez, and student panelists from SRJC's High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
Join us in celebrating Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta and their legacy of fighting for farmworkers’ rights. Eduardo Chavez, grandson of Cesar Chavez, will be in a live chat talking about his documentary film, Hailing Cesar, and will be joined by student panelists from Santa Rosa Junior Colleges’ (SRJC) High School Equivalency Program (HEP).
For the past ten years at SRJC, HEP has been “serving, educating, and improving farmworkers' quality of life through education” and these student panelists, current farmworkers, have been advocating for farmworkers' rights in Sonoma county where they have faced precarious working and living conditions due to the fires and the pandemic.
For more information contact:
Registration Required
Attendees will receive a link to access the film one week before the event.
Wednesday, April 27th, 12:00 - 1:30pm
Bright as the Sun: A Look at the Lives of Women in Ancient Egypt
A lecture with Dr. Heidi Saleh
Ancient Egyptian women enjoyed more rights and freedoms than their counterparts in Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome. And even though women played a pivotal role in ancient Egyptian society, they have been traditionally overlooked and/or downplayed by modern scholars. Join us in a lecture that explores the lives and occupations of a wide spectrum of ancient Egyptian women from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. We will examine women Pharaohs as well as female servants and work to understand their full complexity as leaders and workers as well as wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters.
Dr. Heidi Saleh is an Egyptian-American scholar interested in identity politics and art of the ancient Mediterranean world. As an undergraduate, she majored in Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin. For graduate school, she attended the University of California, Berkeley, earning her M.A. and Ph.D. in Egyptian Art and Archaeology through the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. Currently, she is an Art History Professor at Santa Rosa Junior College, teaching global art survey courses. Dr. Saleh strives to share her passion for art and art history with everyone and is always searching for ways to make museums, monuments, and art more accessible.
For more information contact: