Friday, November 22, 2024 — Luther Burbank Auditorium

What is "La Carpa"?
In the 1920s and '30s, La Carpa was a popular type of traveling theater in Latin America and the Southwestern United States. It featured specialty acts like burlesque comedy, song, and dance, and was performed inside removable canvas-roofed structures, similar to a circus (Carpa means “tent” in Spanish). La Carpa offered family entertainment, including theater plays, slapstick comedy, music, dance, magic, and occasionally movies. It became a beloved genre among working-class audiences and played a significant role in propelling many performers to excellence, contributing to the Golden Era of Mexican Cinema.

Photos of the Event 2024
Link to Photos of La Carpa 2024: Haga clic aquí

Video of La Carpa 2024
Link to video of the event: Haga clic aquí
Behind-the-scenes footage on Instagram: Haga clic aquí

Oak Leaf Article
Link to the article "La Carpa celebrates talent, culture and heritage": Haga clic aquí